Logistics expertise worth its weight in gold…

By Natalie Bruce

“What weighs more – a tonne of gold or a tonne of feathers?” Of course we all know the answer – that they are exactly the same, of course. But what if the question was “which would be cheaper to ship to Outer Mongolia?” Suddenly we have added 2 extra dimensions to the problem –…

What ARE they thinking?

By Natalie Bruce

Exploring the psychology behind exhibition attendees and how you can leverage this to make your stand work even harder for you. We have been taking a closer look at the psychology behind exhibition attendees and seeing what makes a show a success from their point of view. Their experience is based on their own perceptions…

4 Quick Tips for Savvy Show Savings

By Natalie Bruce

Exhibiting can be a costly venture, but with a few savvy tricks and plenty of forward planning there are some quick and easy fixes that could save you money without reducing on your show impact. Plan ahead! Last minute panic printing & shipping can get expensive – why not arrange your printing in advance &…

Sustainable exhibiting – the future is now…

By Natalie Bruce

Your brand isn’t disposable – and neither should your exhibition stand be…   But what does ‘sustainable’ really mean? The Oxford English Dictionary describe it as “causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time”. Sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? The amount of waste generated…

Giant iTab – Your FAQs Answered…

By Natalie Bruce

What would you say to increased customer engagement delivered in a cost effective way?  If you are looking to increase your visitor engagement on your exhibition stand or conference booth, without having to invest in buying any expensive technology, the Giant iTab could be your answer! The even-better-news is that we have a fabulous touch…

Why accuracy is everything…

By Natalie Bruce

“One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions” Said Rear Admiral Grace Hopper of the US Navy (she is also, by the way, a truly remarkable lady and well worth looking up if you get the chance).  At EBISS one thing we definitely agree with the late Rear Admiral on, is the need for…